Archive for January, 2009

Pulling up the Pile

Friday, January 30th, 2009

Pulling up the Pile – Is it really that interesting or important?

vacum cleaner pulling up the pile

vacuum cleaner 'pulling up the pile'

Its a simple enough thought or question and does not require much in the way of an answer, yet for some it can be a matter of ‘life and death’…


The Male / Female Communication Impass

Monday, January 12th, 2009

male female 

What is it that causes the misunderstanding between the sexes?



Well its a known sociological fact that when men talk, they look at the person they are speaking too. When men listen, they stop what they are doing and look at the person speaking to them. Women on the other hand, do not necessarily look at the person they are speaking to nor do they as a rule look at the person they are listening too.

It is also widely recognised that men listen to the entire point and then may utter a single sound in acknowledgement of receipt of that point. Women on the other hand offer constant acknowledgement whilst listening using either body language or complex utterances.


an Umbrella or a Tree ?

Tuesday, January 6th, 2009

…so what’s better, an umbrella or a tree..?

They both give you shade and that’s about where the similarities end. But it is exactly that similarity that I wish to resolve, is the shade from a tree better than the shade from an umbrella?umbrella_or_a_tree
