Archive for October, 2010

Trapped Chilean Miners Free At Last

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

Trapped Chilean Miners

The 33 Chilean Miners, Trapped Underground For The Past Two Months Are Now Finally Free… or so the world media would have us believe!

The rescue operation in the northern Chilean town of Copiapo has succeeded in bringing the 33 trapped miners to the surface, releasing them from their involuntary entombment BUT NOT freeing them from their entrapment!

The horrific news of the 5 August cave in and the suspected loss of many lives, followed by the elated discovery on 22 August that all are alive and well, captured the hearts and minds of a global audience.

Today’s rescue and ‘freedom’ should signal the closing chapter to their entrapment BUT THE REALITY is quite different!

Content Is King by Bill Gates

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010

King Bill GatesFor all the SEO and SEM that one does, content will always prevail. Bill Gates said it over a decade ago and it still rings true today…


In short, this means that no matter what trickery and skulduggery you implement to achieve greater or better rankings, nothing beats good old fashioned ‘content’. You provide good unique content and the internet will do the rest.

Read Bill’s essay below and be amazed.
