Archive for the ‘Social’ Category

Do Grandparents Have Rights?

Friday, March 11th, 2011

It’s a simple question…Do our Parents have Rights over our Children?

… and there’s a simple answer!

Grandparents Rights

Now, I’m not about to set out a legal argument to support my position because as I’m sure you’ll know, any legal buff worth his salt could take either side and put forward an argument and win. No, I’m just going to say it like it is.


Tech Support for Women

Thursday, February 10th, 2011

Tech Support for Women

Dear Tech Support,

Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a distinct slow down in overall system performance, particularly in the flower and jewellery applications, which operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0.

In addition, (more…)

Emotional Capacity

Monday, January 10th, 2011

The Differing Emotional Capacity of People

All men are made equal“… or at least that is what Thomas Jefferson and the American  Declaration of Independence would have us believe! I think otherwise… and this is why.

Differing Emotional Capacities

Differing Emotional Capacities

If we were all equal, then there would be no difference in one persons emotional capacity, over another.  And we both know that you do not have to look further than your own home to see differing emotional capacities in action. Let me explain.

Prior to the birth of my first child, my wife and I discussed the impending ‘new order’ and in particular how we would cope with a third person in our emotional circle. Up until then, I had singularly enjoyed my wife’s entire emotional capacity but now I expressed my reservations at having to accept ‘half rations’ or half her emotional capacity, with my impending daughter receiving the other half.

After the birth of our daughter, non of the above transpired and the reality was quite different!


Trapped Chilean Miners Free At Last

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

Trapped Chilean Miners

The 33 Chilean Miners, Trapped Underground For The Past Two Months Are Now Finally Free… or so the world media would have us believe!

The rescue operation in the northern Chilean town of Copiapo has succeeded in bringing the 33 trapped miners to the surface, releasing them from their involuntary entombment BUT NOT freeing them from their entrapment!

The horrific news of the 5 August cave in and the suspected loss of many lives, followed by the elated discovery on 22 August that all are alive and well, captured the hearts and minds of a global audience.

Today’s rescue and ‘freedom’ should signal the closing chapter to their entrapment BUT THE REALITY is quite different!

Australian Elections are Rigged

Saturday, August 21st, 2010
Australian Ballot Paper

Australian Ballot Paper

If you were to say you are confused by the Australian Ballot Paper or confused by the Australian voting system, you are not alone.

People have said I’m not a stupid person and in fact in fact in some quarters I’m considered rather intelligent, so why is then that I find the Australian Electoral System so confusing?

Could it be that it is intended so..! Could it be deliberately done so that the electorate unwittingly partakes and ‘ratifies’ an otherwise sham..?


Brainstorming – What Is It Exactly?

Thursday, August 19th, 2010


…thunderbolts and lightning,

very very exciting,


err, not exactly!

But close. Brainstorming is not as scientific or as organised as some might like to think.


Everything is Relative

Thursday, July 8th, 2010

Albert Einstein…and we’re not talking about Albert Einstein and his ‘Theory of Relativity’ either! (Although to be fair, it could be argued by some that his theory is responsible)

…and I’m sure we all know the English proverb “One man’s meat is another man’s poison”

or how about simply… It depends on your point of view!


Interesting… the new Boring!

Thursday, June 24th, 2010

Interesting - the new Boring … the newInteresting, the new Boring

Two very simple and common words, used by us all… but how many times do we use them in completely the wrong context or for completely the opposite reason..? All the time I reckon… (more…)

$2000 …For A Perambulator

Sunday, May 23rd, 2010

I recently had the very great pleasure of needing to look at and with the intention of buying…, a pram.


Just to clarify, a pram is that little device we use to push a baby around in, 4 wheels and a seat, perhaps a sunshade as an extra. I’m not talking about a motorised vehicle, no electronic device or controls, just a bunch of plastic and cloth and weighing in at about 13kg’s. A good old fashioned perambulator.


2000 bucks for about (more…)


Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

One word, two very different meanings…

Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes

Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes

No Ambition and Fuck All Interest

No Ambition and Fuck All Interest

You choose!